I thought I found the love of my life

Have you ever thought that you found true love? That after so many times of getting burnt, getting heartbroken, getting broken up with -- without any explanation, that you found a man who genuinely cares about you and is not afraid to show it? Well, I thought the same and was proven wrong once again. The guy that I was seeing this time around proved to me that "the other gender" must never be trusted. You should always take all the sweet words that come out of their mouths with a grain of salt and always leave space for disappointment because they always win at disappointing.

My story with this one begins about two months ago but I will give a brief background of where it actually started according to him. 

So, according to him, he started being interested in me sometime last year that he even asked around trying to find more information about me. I guess his interest in me was too much that he could not waste an opportunity to have me. We interacted on the Twitter timeline several times but to be honest I did not notice him. He also sent me a Direct Message on Twitter but who entertains those. I eventually decided to take a break from Twitter and move to Instagram, did this man not follow me there too? He sent me Direct Messages on there as well complimenting my Stories and I was still not interested (because of another story I will publish soon). After some time of trying to get my attention, he finally had it. 

I am a friendly person, so holding a conversation is very easy for me as long as the other person is reciprocating the same energy. We gelled quite well, he even called me Khaleesi 💀(Game of Thrones watchers will know what this means) and I was smitten. He was quick to ask me out on a date after a few chats and video calls and the date with which we agreed upon was during the festive (although he was reluctant with the date). This would have given us time to get to know each other better and build some trust. The way our conversations went, December seemed too far and I felt like if I kept him waiting I could probably be missing out on a good man. I should have listened to my guts. I went against my instinct and decided to meet with him as soon as possible. He worked and lived almost five hours away from where I was, but luckily his hometown was just a few kilometres away from mine and he told me that he comes home often. 

Did this man not travel five hours just come see me? No man has ever gone out of their way and made time to come and see me, I was always the one doing the visiting. This gesture alone made me feel wanted and appreciated. He seemed sincere and sure about me, stated his intentions and told me that he did not come into my life to play with my heart. On top of that, he was consistent with everything he did, it was hard not to fall in love with him. I believed and trusted him. My instinct told me this was too good to be true but his actions were reassuring. I felt secured, my doubts were non-existent, I let my guard down. I thought I found myself a genuine and honest man but I was wrong.  

One morning I woke up to a changed profile pictures of us on Whatsapp. I did not think much of it, then when I went to my social media accounts and I noticed that he deleted some pictures of us, that's when I knew something was wrong. I tried calling him but he seemed to have blocked my numbers, I tried contacting him on all his social media accounts but I was ignored. My love had gone missing, I was ghosted 😢. My heart was shattered. How could someone just disappear like that without a reason? How could someone work so hard to gain your trust just to throw it in the bin?  Nobody deserves such treatment, but I guess I am glad that he revealed his true colours before feelings went any deeper.

From this experience, I learned that you should trust your guts. If something seems too good to be true, sometimes it is. Never let your guard down so easily and take time to know and trust people. Despite yet another learning experience, I believe I deserve nothing but the best. Everything will be okay (Go Tlo Loka)       


  1. Replies
    1. Woow thats so brutal hey,well out there,there are few good genuine folks and most of charmers are full of crap but despite all of that we have to keep moving with our heads high hoping for the best.


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